1. Health at Every Size (HAES) movement: This initiative focuses on promoting diversity and inclusivity in the fitness industry by advocating for body acceptance and weight inclusivity.
2. LGBTQ+ inclusivity: Fitness organizations are increasingly recognizing the need to be more inclusive in their marketing and outreach efforts. This includes creating gender-neutral facilities, ensuring that all trainers are trained in LGBTQ+ issues, and offering resources for transgender individuals.
3. Disability-inclusive fitness: Fitness organizations are developing programs and facilities that cater to individuals with disabilities to ensure that everyone has access to physical activity.
4. Culturally-sensitive programming: Nowadays, fitness organizations are actively seeking to understand and respond to the different cultural needs of their clients. There are niche fitness programs for different ethnicities like African, Caribbean, Latin American, and more.
5. Body-positive messaging: Fitness organizations are working to change the narrative around body image and health by promoting body positivity and focusing on overall health rather than a certain look or type of physique.
6. Women-Centered Fitness: This initiative is geared towards empowering females to feel confident and strong while working out. It aims to create an inclusive, non-judgmental, and supportive environment for women of all ages, shapes, and sizes.
7. Faith-based fitness: This initiative provides a platform for individuals of different faiths to come together and share their experiences, motivations, and challenges in regards to fitness and physical activity.
8. Mental Health Wellbeing: Fitness organizations are recognizing the connection between physical health and mental health. They are offering mental wellness programs and resources, and sensitizing their instructors to work with individuals who may be experiencing mental health challenges.
9. Remote training programming: With the pandemic, fitness providers have gone online, to reach customers from anywhere in the world and encourage more individuals to stay physically active, regardless of their location.
10. Partnerships with health equity organizations: Several fitness organizations are partnering and supporting non-profits and initiatives that work to promote diversity, equality, and access to health care, physical activity, and nutrition for all.